08 Sep What Is Buyer’s Staging?
What is Buyer Staging?
Bet Ya Didn’t Know it Was a “Thing”
We’ve heard of Home Staging for Sellers, but what about Buyer Staging, also known as Staged to Live or Move-In Staging?
Moving into a new home is both exciting and overwhelming. You know the feeling, when the moving truck pulls up and unloads box after box, and you wonder, “How did I accumulate so much stuff?”
Then, the movers start stacking boxes seven feet high until you have a box maze in your house, and you feel like you’re in the movie “Maze Runner” as you slowly wind your way to your loved one, who is somewhere on the other side of the box wall, hopefully not completely trapped.
Utility knife in hand, you start unpacking those beastly boxes, which compounds the situation by creating mountains of packing paper. You start thinking you’ll never get through unpacking and start envisioning a scenario of actually living in harmony with the mess. But, then you realize you could lose a small child among the maze and mountains in your home, and so you press on.
Days later, you’re grappling with the questions of furniture placement and where to hang the art. Do you have too many pieces, or not enough? Are new window treatments needed? Does your décor need “freshening” to bring it up to the modern-day style and can you freshen without breaking the budget? Did you organize your kitchen in the most efficient way? Are the wall colors clashing with your furniture and décor? Is there tweaking that could be done to enhance the way you live and make your life more efficient and enjoyable?
Buyer Staging can help with all of this and turn the “overwhelming” feeling into a big sigh of relief, leaving the “excitement” feeling at the forefront, where it can soothingly morph into pure bliss.
In need of Buyer Staging services, or do you want to gift a new homeowner with it? Just contact just me at 210-774-7373 or [email protected].