17 Mar Virtual Staging is for Leprechauns
Sure, leprechauns are fun to think about around St. Patrick’s Day. They’re tricky little creatures who try to steal your gold, and we know they’re mythical, so we enjoy including them in our traditions.
Our son used to set “leprechaun traps” on the night of March 16th, trying to catch them overnight. Usually, it was a basket or shoe box turned upside down, propped up with a stick. He’d leave coins as bait. Of course, they always got away, and he would awaken to a trap that had shut, but with no leprechaun inside. (They’d leave behind some chocolate gold coins, however, so his disappointment was eased).
I recall leprechauns when I think of virtual staging. The home is usually one’s largest investment, a “pot of gold.” When we virtually stage, it looks like a really shiny pot of gold. But it’s all an illusion.
When the buyer comes to view the house, and it’s actually vacant, it’s a big “let down.” The emotional connection to the house is diminished. The objections start popping up in their heads and they’re noticing every crack, odd paint color, dated features, and the echo of an empty house.
It feels like trickery, an anti-climactic “bait and switch” – and with no chocolate gold coins left behind to ease disappointment.
Just Say No to leprechauns.
Instead, call the folks who can help create true emotional connections. Imagine Gurus would be honored to stage for you (or your client). Imagine the Possibilities! 210-774-7373, [email protected], www.ImagineGurus.com