15 Jun Fresh-Start Summer
Ahhhh. The beginning of summer…a fresh season makes you want a fresh start, doesn’t it? Not motivated yet? How about this as a motivator: Air Conditioning! Staying indoors in the a/c instead of melting into a puddle sure makes me want to be productive indoors!
Here’s the plan: Summer is about 12 weeks long, which is 84 days, which is more than enough time to calm the chaos and create a habit. Yes, that’s right! Science tells us that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, so a Fresh-Start / New, Organized You, can be easily achieved in one summer!
There are so many ideas I want to share with you that I thought it best to collect them in one place and let you decide which ideas speak to you. Some of you may have kids and want ideas to keep them organized. Or, perhaps you’re planning a trip, or your house needs an overhaul.
Therefore, please visit my Pinterest page for a collection of ideas on how to get & stay organized this summer! Go to www.Pinterest.com/ImagineGurus and look for the board entitled: Summer Organization. (Click Here)
One of my favorite Pinterest Pins is “A 10 Week Organizing Challenge to get your whole house in order,” by Happy Housie Home Decor. Having things broken down into manageable chunks makes them achievable.
Other Pinterest Pins give ideas on how to get the whole family involved in helping around the house with printable chore charts.
Want to minimize screen time for your kids? Set up a summer routine and post it! (Customizable printable schedule available via a Pin on my Pinterest board). Ensure you include reading time, outside time, and time to be creative & daydream. Libraries have great summer reading & activity programs. Home Depot and Lowes have regular Kid DIY Workshops to enjoy together.
Going on a Road Trip? There are some really creative ways to be organized in the car! There are also great Pinterest Pins for packing a suitcase, as well as travel checklists!
Are you planning to move and put your house on the market? Then, a Fresh-Start has a triple benefit: a neatly maintained and minimized home is attractive to buyers; you’ll have less to move; and your new streamlined life will carry over to your new home. Bliss!
Now, besides getting organized and totally transforming yourself with a Fresh-Start, be sure to get out there and enjoy your Summer…preferably with a misting fan nearby!
Still feeling overwhelmed? A Professional Organizer can create a customized Organization plan for you. Just contact just Mikaela at 210-774-7373 or [email protected].